Mims Davies MP Hosts Roundtable of Women Conservative Parliamentary Candidates with Co-Chairman of the Conservative Party and 50:50 Parliament
Mims Davies MP in her role as Shadow Minister for Women was thrilled to host, alongside Co-Chairman of the Conservative Party Nigel Huddleston MP and 50:50 Parliament, a Roundtable of former Women Conservative Candidates in Parliament.
50:50 Parliament’s aim is to reach equal representation on our elected bodies. They exist to try to get more women selected and elected, across the political spectrum. They want to help all political parties increase their women’s representation in Parliament.
The goal of the Roundtable was to discuss the experiences that Conservative Women Candidates had during the General Election. On the agenda was barriers that women face when becoming Parliamentary Candidates.
Importantly, solutions that the Conservative Party and Conservative Women’s groups could consider ensuring more women are selected and elected.
Mims Davies MP said:
"I was very pleased to host a roundtable with the Conservative Party Co-Chairman and 50:50 Parliament in Westminster of former Women Conservative Parliamentary Candidates.
It was a pleasure to co-host this event and hear more about the experiences Conservative Women Candidates faced at the election. We discussed the good and the bad and most crucially how we can get more Conservative Women in politics, more Conservative Women MPs.
I will continue to work with the Co-Chairman of my Party and Conservative Women’s groups like Conservative Women and Women 2 Win to make sure we get more Conservative women MP’s at the next General Election.
Indeed, I plan to host another one of these Roundtables in the near future with Conservative Organisations.”