I am fully committed to ensuring that older people can live with the dignity and respect they deserve. That is why I stood on a manifesto committed to protecting pensioners, including through the Triple Lock and the Winter Fuel Payment. That is why I was deeply concerned that one of the first acts of this Government has been to scrap the Winter Fuel Payment for millions of pensioners.
You can read more of my thoughts on this here:Mims Davies MP latest statement on Winter Fuel Allowance | Mims Davies
I welcomed that, in April 2024, the previous Conservative Government increased the State Pension by 8.5 per cent and I call on the new Labour Government to build on such support.
On taxation and the State Pension, any decision to modify the tax regime is a matter for the Treasury. I understand that if an individual goes over their Personal Allowance of £12,570 and has tax to pay, HMRC will send a Simple Assessment tax bill. This will say how much is owed and how to pay it. After the first year of receiving the State Pension, individuals pay tax based on 52 weeks of payments each year. If an individual's income is below their Personal Allowance, they usually will not need to pay tax.
Regarding the State Pension age, under the Pensions Act 2014, the Government is committed in legislation to undertake a review of the State Pension age every six years to consider a variety of factors including the latest life expectancy projections. The latest review was completed in 2023, and it is now a matter for the current Labour Government if they wish to amend existing legislation prior to the conclusion of the next review. However, the last review concluded the planned pension age rise from 66 to 67 for those born after April 1960 remains appropriate and there should be a further review within two years of the next Parliament to consider the rise to age 68.
I appreciate concerns about the representation of older people’s issues, and I want to reiterate my strong belief that all Governments must ensure they support pensioners in retirement. The establishment of a commissioner for older people would be a decision for this Government though I think it crucial that the fundamental rights of older people be respected and recognised.
More widely, I will continue to hold the Government to account on supporting greater security and independence for older people and a care system that adequately cares for older people; I will always press the Government to deliver for pensioners and protect them in retirement.