
Access to Migraine Treatment

Migraines are one of the most common neurological conditions, affecting more than 10 million people in the UK.

Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill

Like countless constituents, protecting animals and enhancing animal welfare means a great deal to me and I appreciate the strength of feeling around this issue.

Mims Davies MP Hosts 'A Taste From Across Mid Sussex' in Parliament

Mims Davies MP was thrilled to host her second in a series of 'A Taste From Across Mid Sussex' in Parliament.

These events are a fantastic opportunity for businesses to advertise their products to Members of Parliament, Ministers, Lords and Ladies, visitors and more.

Caged Farm Animals  

My colleagues and I take the welfare of all animals very seriously and the UK has some of the highest welfare standards in the world.

My weekly column for the Mid Sussex Times

I was thrilled to join HRH Duchess of Edinburgh at Ardingly Showground for the annual Jim Green Challenge alongside WSCC Chairman, Cllr Pete Bradbury, and youngsters from across our area. Its an annual competition for students with mild moderate learning difficulties in the Southeast.

Mims Davies MP announces Plan to cut Puppy Smuggling in Mid Sussex

Mims Davies MP announces Plan to cut Puppy Smuggling in Mid Sussex.

As a dog lover and dog owner, Mims is pleased to announce fellow dog lovers in Mid Sussex will soon be assured about the health and welfare of their puppies thanks to a proposed new law.