National Campaigns and Statements

This page provides a direct link to Campaign replies and statements.  Sorted alphabetically by title.


Alcohol Harms May 24

Animal Welfare (Kept Animals Bill) April 24

Animal Free Science - Ethical Research & Innovation April 24

Autism and Education February 24

Adult Social Care February 24

Access to Defibrillators March 24

Antisemitism March 24

Animal Welfare - Racehorses March 24

Automatic Voter Registration April 24


Betting Affordability Checks February 24

Breast Cancer Now - No Time to Waste March 24

Biomass Energy March 24

Brachycephalic Animals April 24

Free British Sign Language Classes for Families with Deaf Children April 24


Civil Service Pay April 24

Caged Farm Animals March 24

Catch Up With Cancer - Radiotherapy February 24

Community Energy February 24

Cancer Care - Waiting Times February 24

Child Trust Funds March 24

Civil Service Pay April 24


Dementia - NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) April 24

Dementia - Research, Treatments and Diagnosis February 24

Dogs with Cropped Ears March 24

Support with Debt February 24

Digital Exclusion February 24

Deep Fakes March 24


E-Cigarette Littering and Disposal February 24

Exit the ECT February 24

The Electoral Commission February 24

Excess Deaths April 24


Fairness For Farmers February 24

Free School Meals Access for Disabled Pupils January 24

Fuel Duty March 24

Free School Meals March 24

Faith Based Admissions Cap April 24

The Fur Trade April 2024

Fossil Fuel Funding and Lobbying April 24


Green New Deal March 24

Global Ocean Treaty February 24

Group B Strep (GBS) March 24

A Global Plastic Treaty April 24


Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill March 24

The Hunting Act March 24

Tackling Homelessness January 24

Health and Equality Acts (Amendment) Bill March 24

Help our Hedgerows March 24


International Health Regulations - Amendments April 24

Israel and Gaza update March 24


Kinship Care Strategy March 24

King's Guards Ceremonial Caps April 24


Literary Landscapes April 24

Live Exports February 24

Local Housing Allowance Increase February 24


Mandatory Food Labelling March 24

Make It 20% February 24

Marie Curie's Great Daffodil Appeal March 24

Access to Migraine Treatment March 24

Minimum Income Thresholds April 24


The NHS and Privatisation April 24

National Parks April 24


Offshore Petroleum Licensing February 24

Support for Older People February 24


Pet Abduction Bill March 24

Plan to cut Puppy Smuggling March 24

Pancreatic Cancer April 24

Payment on Accounts February 24

Political Reform February 24

PFAS and Chemicals Strategy March 24

Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS) March 24

Pandemic Treaty April 24

Plastic Pollution April 24


The Renters (Reform) Bill April 24

Rooftop Solar January 24

River Management March 24


A Smokefree Future April 24

Short-term Holiday Lets March 24

School Funding March 24

Searches in Police Custody February 24

Support Shopworkers April 24

Same Sex Care in the NHS April 24


Testing Licenses for Cosmetics January 24

The Turing Scheme April 24


UK CBDC Proposals January 24

United for Warm Homes April 24


Vaping saves lives March 24

Voter ID January 24


Water Pollution: Agriculture March 24

Wildlife Crime March 24

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene in Developing Countries April 24


Youth Homelessness February 24