Women In Parliament

Mims is the proud to be the 380th woman elected to the House of Commons, and is the former Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Women in Parliament. 

The group aims to increase the number of women in Parliament in all parties, and to encourage women to get involved in public life. In the role, Mims was responsible for coordinating events and debates that promote women's issues.

Highlights of her time with the group include organising celebrations for International Women's Day, leading a debate in Westminster Hall on barriers for women in standing for roles in local and central government, and developing a mentoring scheme for young girls in conjunction with Lloyds Banking Group. 


Mims Attends Women of the Year Event

Mims Davies MP today joined over 400 women from all walks of life at the Women of the Year Lunch as a “2016 Woman of Achievement”. Each guest is regarded as a ‘Woman of the Year’ and represents not only herself, but the millions of women who make a difference every day.