Mims Davies MP was thrilled to join Easter Celebrations in Wivelsfield.
Mims Davies MP joined residents of Wivelsfield for their Easter Celebration at St Peter and St Johns the Baptist.
Easter is the most important festival in the Christian calendar, and is celebrated by residents in Mid Sussex and thousands of people all over the world.
The occasion marks Jesus rising from the dead, after dying on a wooden cross. These days, people often celebrate by giving and receiving chocolate Easter Eggs, and occasionally going on a hunt for them too.
There are different days of celebration for Easter because they follow different events in Jesus' life.
On Good Friday, Christians commemorate Jesus' execution, when he died on a wooden cross. It's a day of mourning in the Church, and services are held to reflect on Jesus' pain and suffering.
Two days after, on the Sunday, a woman called Mary Magdalene and some of Jesus' disciples (or followers) visited the tomb, only to find the boulder pushed to one side and the inside completely empty. Later that day, they found Jesus alive, and realised God had resurrected him. This is why Christians celebrate Easter Sunday.
Mims Davies MP said:
"He is risen.
Hallulujah, hallelujah.
I had the great pleasure of joining a magnificent Easter Celebration service in Wivelsfield with a very special choir led by an exceptional lady.
A very special service to be a part of and my big thanks to all who helped organise such a lovely morning - and what beautiful weather we had for it!"